Hello Beautiful Souls & Welcome To My Humble Abode
It’s wonderful to have you here even if only for a visit. My name is Jen L. Jons also known as Jen the Mystic. If you’ve found yourself here then surely you’re looking for some guidance.
I can definitely help you with that. I am a Norse Pagan Mystic. I do Tarot Card Readings, Astrology, Oracle Readings, Angel Guidance and Fairy Guidance. I also do a bit of Numerology.
If you have actually come to check me out then please take a peek at my Shop. I think you’ll find a unique selection at amazing prices. I don’t believe in ripping people off. Being who I am I know better karma wise.
I want to help you with what you need so please don’t hesitate to reach out or place an order. I will answer you within 24 to 48 hours.
I write a lot of other stuff you may like as well. Take a peek!
Check out the my paranormal auto biography here…
Want to know more about the work I’ve done and still do in the paranormal field? Check it out here!
I wish you all beautiful tidings of luck, prosperity, and health!
Jen L. Jons